Tooth decay can be seen in everyone, regardless of a certain age group and gender. Dental caries, which can be removed with medical treatments to be applied by dentists, paves the way for serious problems involving much more severe treatment procedures if neglected. For this reason, if a carious tooth is observed, it will be the healthiest approach to consult an experienced and competent dentist without wasting time.
Since decaying teeth can cause much more serious problems with a faulty or negligent approach due to various and different factors such as unhealthy and irregular diet, not paying attention to oral and dental health, consumption of tobacco products and caffeine-containing foods and beverages, it is necessary to raise awareness about decayed teeth and to take certain precautions. It is important to consult a dentist periodically.
The occurrence of a decay-like disorder in the tooth tissue due to various factors is called "tooth decay" in practice. Most of the time, the decay, which starts to develop in the middle of the crown of the tooth, grows by developing with darkening in color and tooth wear. Since dental caries can be seen at any stage of life, it is detected early and treated in a practical way in individuals who go to dentist control at regular intervals.
Individuals who have a carious tooth problem and do not want this problem to recur in their other teeth or in the future, wonder about the causes of tooth decay in order to take the necessary precautions in time and not to experience the problem again. The causes of tooth decay are grouped under two headings: genetic factors and environmental factors. The main factors that cause tooth decay are;
Frequent consumption of foods high in starch and/or sugar,
Failure to take the necessary care to protect oral and dental health (not brushing teeth at regular intervals, not using dental floss),
Nutrition that causes bacteria formation of plaques,
Failure to provide periodic cleaning of dental calculus and tartar,
Genetic factors,
Calcium and fluoride deficiency.
The symptoms of decayed teeth show their effects in different ways according to the location, size and depth of the decay. If the bruise has just started, the person may not feel any symptoms. As the severity of tooth decay increases over time, the symptoms are felt much more prominently. As the size and severity of the decay increase, some of the decayed tooth symptoms observed in the individual are:
Increase in tooth sensitivity,
Toothache for no apparent reason,
Visible caries, hole formation in teeth,
Mild or intense pain when consuming hot, cold, sweet foods and/or drinks,
Black, brown or white discoloration on the tooth surface,
Feeling pain when biting.
In addition to the listed symptoms, bad breath can also be seen in advanced caries cases. Early diagnosis of decayed tooth is important for successful treatment. Otherwise, the entire surface and root of the tooth are likely to rot if dental caries cannot be treated in a timely manner. In such a case, it may be too late for treatment and a more serious treatment procedure may be required.
Tooth decay can only be detected by a dentist. Although individuals can detect dental caries on their own, specialist help is required in matters such as the location of the caries, its size, severity, what kind of intervention should be applied, what kind of treatment should be applied. Otherwise, more serious problems may develop as a result of an erroneous or negligent action.
The dentist first listens to the case history. In this context; Having learned the answers to questions such as when the toothaches and sensitivities started, how long they lasted, their frequency and severity level, the dentist evaluates the dental caries that is the subject of treatment and shares their views with the patient. Then, physical imaging and examination procedures are performed with the help of medical equipment.
With the help of physical examination, sensitivity, holes, cavities and caries in the teeth are observed. However, if the decay reaches the root of the tooth, it is not possible to detect it by physical examination. At this point, a dental x-ray is used; tooth root and nerves are examined. After the examination, a treatment plan is determined based on the findings.
It is important to diagnose dental caries without delay, to take action and to treat it on time. If the treatment is neglected and delayed, it is possible to experience various problems such as persistent toothache, inflammation, tooth fracture, difficulty in chewing and feeding, and sepsis. Therefore, it is extremely important to be sensitive to dentist control and examinations.
The fact that the decayed tooth is still in its infancy allows the problem to be resolved with relatively simple and practical treatments. For example, by applying fluoride treatment, tooth enamel is repaired and the decay that is still in its infancy is treated. Filling, which is a very practical and short-term procedure, is among the treatment types that are frequently used for the treatment of decayed teeth.
In cases where the caries is somewhat advanced, a crown or dental crown can also be used. After the complete cleaning of the tooth decay, the crown or dental crown is placed on the remaining part and thus decayed tooth treatment can be provided. A dental crown made of steel or porcelain is also an effective, successful and sustainable treatment. Finally, let's take a look at root canal treatment, which is used in more serious cases of dental caries.
In case the tooth decay grows, gains volume and reaches the nerves by deepening – although it differs from patient to patient – root canal treatment is applied. Root canal treatment, which is based on the procedure of opening a canal in the treated tooth and barber removing the decayed parts with nerves and blood vessels, gives successful results in cases of severe caries.
If an infection has developed in the tooth, action is taken regarding this and the infection is completely eliminated by making the necessary intervention. In the event that the tooth is completely decayed, the only treatment to be resorted to is tooth extraction and a prosthesis is applied instead of the extracted tooth.
The dentist will determine what kind of process will be followed after the treatment of decayed teeth, the lifestyle that should be adopted, the nutrition regime, etc. provides patient-specific information about many issues. However, besides this, to mention some useful behaviors to be considered and approaches to be avoided;
Painkillers should be used upon the recommendation of the dentist for toothaches felt during and after the treatment.
Excessively hot and very cold food consumption should be avoided, and the hot-cold balance should be adjusted.
In order to ensure oral hygiene and dental cleaning, teeth should be brushed and floss should be used at regular intervals.
In order not to trigger the formation of new caries after treatment, solid and liquid foods containing sugar, acid or caffeine should be avoided or their consumption should be limited.
Snacking between meals should be stopped, a realistic nutrition plan should be created and this plan should be adhered to.
Fluoride toothpaste should be used and sufficient calcium should be taken.
If you think you have caries in your tooth, it would be the healthiest and most conscious approach to consult a professionally competent and experienced dentist without delay. Even if there is no problem threatening your oral and dental health, you can go to a dental examination at regular intervals; You can take an effective measure against possible oral and dental diseases in the future.