One of the reasons for malodour is the need for adequate oral hygiene. If there are long-term and persistent malodour complaints despite oral hygiene, the underlying cause may also be a disease. The causes of long-lasting malodour should be investigated. Some individuals may experience unpleasant lousy breath, especially in the morning.
Most of the time, the foods eaten at night stay between the teeth and affect the formation of unpleasant odors in the morning, but this smell goes away after mouth cleaning. However, if malodour cannot be prevented despite regular oral and dental care, consulting an experienced and successful dentist would be appropriate.
Malodour, which occurs in the mouth and has the power to disturb the person as well as the people around, can occur for many different reasons. Tooth and gingival diseases, not paying attention to oral hygiene, and not brushing the teeth adequately and appropriately can cause malodour. The subject of the mouth causes harmful effects in terms of the health and psychology of the person.
On the other hand, there is a difference between malodour that occurs due to not paying attention to oral hygiene and malodour that is persistent and does not go away even if oral hygiene is provided. Malodour, which may occur in individuals who ignore oral hygiene, passes when necessary cleaning measures are taken and oral hygiene is provided.
In the other case, malodour may be encountered due to another underlying health problem. To eliminate malodour caused by a health problem, first of all, the problem must be identified and treated. In this way, malodour, which is caused by health problems, and cannot be eliminated with oral care, can be prevented permanently.
The causes of malodour can occur in many forms. Eating habits of the person and consuming unhealthy foods are among the reasons that cause malodour. In addition, not allocating enough time to oral cleaning and not using the correct brushing methods can also cause malodour. Therefore, maximum sensitivity should be given to oral hygiene.
It is necessary for oral health for each individual to brush their teeth after meals. In addition, dental floss and mouthwash should be considered to protect teeth and ensure oral health. Improper cleaning of the teeth causes food particles to remain between the teeth. This situation prepares the ground for the formation of bacteria after a while.
Bacteria that will form on the gums and tongue are an important cause of malodour. Malodour can occur due to gum disease. People with gum disease should consult a dentist and be treated. Gum diseases can lead to other health problems if left untreated.
Tooth decay is also among the causes of malodour. In addition, stomach and intestinal disorders, smoking and alcohol consumption, diabetes, dry mouth, and tonsillitis can also cause malodour. Nose and nasal concha disorders, sinusitis, kidney diseases, and long-term hunger can also cause malodour.
Some people have to use drugs constantly. The medications used can cause dry mouth in the individual. Dry mouth and the medications used can indirectly cause dry mouth. Malodour can also occur due to infections in the mouth. In summary, all factors that cause malodour are evaluated separately for the patient.
If a simple hygiene problem does not cause malodour, it may be a harbinger of various ailments. Malodour is not considered a disease in itself. However, it can be seen as a symptom of a disease. It should not be neglected, as ailments may be a precursor to malodour. Some of these ailments are:
During malodour, the person should first review their cleaning habits. It is highly likely that individuals who do not give enough importance to oral hygiene may encounter bad malodour. In addition, it is difficult for the person to notice whether there is malodour. In such a case, the person who has a malodour problem may need support from the people around them that they feel close to.
In case of malodour that does not go away despite oral hygiene, it is necessary to go to the dentist. When a diagnosis of malodour is made, a dentist's control is required. As a result of a dental examination to be carried out by the dentist, it can be understood whether the malodour in the person is due to hygiene or a health problem.
Malodour is a kind of oral health problem that arises during the exhalation process and can disturb the environment and the person. If this problem is caused by oral hygiene, it can be solved quickly. Cleaning the mouth and teeth makes it possible to remove malodour caused by hygiene. For this, teeth and gums need to be cleaned.
The food particles left between the teeth are also removed with dental floss. If a simple hygiene problem does not cause malodour, the dentist directs the patient to a specialist physician regarding the underlying reasons that may cause it. When oral hygiene is applied regularly, the malodour that occurs in the person will pass in a short time if a disease does not cause it.
Paying attention to oral and dental health is an effective method in preventing malodour. In addition, each individual should visit the dentist regularly once a year and have their check-ups done. Annual routine check-ups regarding oral and dental health ensure that problems are noticed before they grow and help to make intervention easy. For this reason, everyone should perform dental check-ups once a year without interruption.
When treating malodour, the underlying cause must first be understood correctly. In cases where oral hygiene is not provided adequately, the malodour that occurs will disappear after the necessary cleaning procedures. If the underlying cause is based on another health problem, then the problem should be diagnosed.
Treatment processes of a diagnosed health problem should be followed. In this way, malodour can also be eliminated. The way to be followed while maintaining oral hygiene is to brush the teeth three times a day. Toothbrushes that will not harm the teeth and gums should be used while brushing. Tooth brushing should take approximately 2 minutes.
After brushing, the food particles remaining between the teeth should be removed with the help of dental floss. In addition, anti-bacterial mouthwashes can also be used to provide oral hygiene. Dentures or various tools used for the arrangement of teeth can also cause malodour if not cleaned.
In such cases, hygiene should be provided in accordance with the recommendation of the dentist. If the cause of malodour is dental caries, a dentist should treat these caries. The same is true for infections that may occur in the gums. Gum infections are also among the ailments that dentists should treat.
Cleaning the tartar formed on the teeth should be done once a year. Tartar cleaning is essential in terms of ensuring oral hygiene. To eliminate malodour caused by smoking, and alcohol use, harmful habits should be abandoned, and oral hygiene should be provided. In addition, one of the conditions that can cause malodour is not drinking enough liquid.
Malodour is a common problem for people who don't get enough water that the body needs during the day. Consuming enough water is a condition that can be effective in eliminating malodour. The use of certain products allows the temporary removal of malodour. Among them, mint, chewing gum, and mouthwash are some of the first ones that come to mind.
Malodour can be in a way that disturbs the person as well as the people around them. Not neglecting malodour because it indicates that the person has various diseases and causes them to feel bad psychologically; It is essential to receive treatment from a successful, experienced, and competent dentist.